John Lewis Insurance Services: Affordable Travel Insurance from John Lewis - Make Special Savings on John Lewis Holiday Insurance
John Lewis Travel Insurance offers a lot more than many similar types of holiday insurance, including but not limited to:
* Travel cover for up to six months
* 20% discount for purchasing online
* Loss or theft of your passport covered as standard
* Trip cancellation cover of up to £8,000 per person
* Up to £2,500 for lost luggage
* End Supplier Failure Cover - protection from disruption caused, for example, by the business failure of your holiday supplier.
(Please note the amounts given above were correct when researched; for the latest figures, which may be different, you should consult the John Lewis Travel Insurance website).
Also, unlike some holiday insurance policies, with John Lewis single trip holiday insurance policies your cover starts as soon as your policy is paid for. That means you are then protected against problems that may mean you need to cancel a pre-booked holiday.
Signing up for
John Lewis Travel Insurance online is a simple process, and takes just a few minutes to complete. However, if you'd like to compare Holiday Insurance cover before you purchase John Lewis Travel Insurance then that's simple too, with free, no-obligation Holiday Insurance quotes available at your fingertips from the John Lewis Travel Insurance website.
When you request a free John Lewis Travel Insurance quote, you can also screen and add medical conditions when you enter your details (or, alternatively, you can also call
John Lewis Insurance).
Not all Holiday Insurance policies offer the same cover, so it pays to check that the policy you intend to purchase does actually cover all your needs.
With John Lewis Travel Insurance, almost every possibility is covered. Check out the details of John Lewis Travel Insurance and compare with other providers, and noting cover for such things as: Cancellation charges; Emergency medical and associated expenses; Holiday disruption; Abandonment; Personal accident; Personal liability; Delayed departure; Missed international departure; Legal expenses and advice; Hijacking; Mugging; Catastrophe cover; Pet care; Temporary or emergency passport expenses; Personal money; Delayed baggage; and UK Motor breakdown.
We think you'll be pleasantly surprised when you find the benefits and costs of John Lewis Travel Insurance compared to the competition.
If you travel more than once a year then
John Lewis Travel Insurance may be a good choice for you, and save you money; with John Lewis Annual Holiday Insurance you're covered throughout the year, wherever your trips may take you.
With John Lewis Travel Insurance you are covered for a single trip up to six months, while Annual Multi-Trip Holiday Insurance from John Lewis covers multiple trips throughout the year of up to thirty-one days.
For the specific details of cover with each John Lewis Travel Insurance policy you should check the John Lewis Insurance website, suffice to say that each policy offers generous insurance cover, and is easily comparable to other, more expensive, holiday insurance from other companies.
If you enjoy going on winter ski holidays then John Lewis Travel Insurance also offers optional Winter Sports Cover to help cover the inherent risks associated with snow and ice activities: for just a little extra money, Winter Sports Cover can provide an lot of extra peace of mind.
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More John Lewis Travel Insurance Resources:
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